Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sign of the Apocalypse

ABC has decided to develop a pilot about...the Cavemen from the Geico ads. I haven't heard a pilot idea this bad since I heard Matthew Perry almost missed out on "Friends" because he had commited first to "L.A.X. 2194"...a show about baggage handlers at Los Angeles International Airport in the year 2194. Do you think I make this stuff up???

Michael Vartan has also been signed by ABC, for a different pilot about...well who really cares. It's about time this guy got his own show. This guy has done more than just have an alleged affair with Jennifer Garner. He is meant to be a BIG STAH! This pilot is being directed by Charles MacDougall, who directed some of the best Sex and the City "Carrie's BIG AFFAIR" episodes. Full season order please!!!!

1 comment:

Katsoulis said...

I can't wait for this caveman program. I haven't been so excited for caveman project since Ringo Starr starred in the hilarious prehistoric romp, "Caveman" with Carl Lumbly as "Bork". Carl, as you may know, also stared with Mr. Vartan on Alias.

Perhaps he will get cameos on both programs?