Sunday, May 6, 2007


Am I the only one still watching ER all these years later? True, even I strayed for a few seasons there somewhere in between Mark Greene's brain tumor and Dr. Romano getting killed by a wayward helicopter, but as escapist drama goes, all the new faces add up to a pretty solid ensemble.

There is nothing groundbreaking here. John Stamos is clearly positioned as the next generation's George Clooney, and you know what? He's doing a pretty damn good job, even if it almost seems like he's been renting old ER dvd's and watching them over and over so as to perfect the signature Clooney sexy head tilt. But, if we can't have the REAL George, John Stamos is not so shabby...sort of like Splenda instead of sugar. To that end, an episode with a wedding in May is of course TV ratings 101, but again, we'll take it (And by we, I mean us chick-tv loving gals.) Even though I personally find Parminder Nagra's character incredibly annoying, you Bend it like Beckham fans seem to like her, so I think it's just me.

ER may have passed its prime, and no one is gathered around the water cooler talking about this show anymore...but it hits its marks consistently and if you're looking to be entertained, ER's still churning it out, week after week, after all of these years. Next week, Stanley Tucci joins the cast, which can only mean good things.

Check out the last 10 minutes of last Thursday's show. If you do watch - spoiler alert - there's a sweeps-style plot twist at the end, all set to the incredibly fabulous Tom Waits tune, "World Keeps Turning".

Oh, and how could I forget, while we're talking ER and all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE CLOONEY!!!


mlw428 said...

Yes, I think you are the only person who still watches ER. but I still love ya.

Carlin Reagan said...

I am surprised it took this long to work in a Clonney post.