Friday, June 8, 2007

Pay no attention to the GINORMOUS elephant in the living room...

Though it's been my personal vow NEVER to give any ink to Paris Hilton, I have to just address the lame lame lame non-journalism that took place on Friday's Regis and, well, there was no Regis, so Kelly and Neil Patrick Harris (a.k.a Doogie Howser).

I digress.

So there's teeny weeny itty bitty Nicole Richie, on the program to promote the new season of "The Simple Life". If you were born under a rock, it co-stars Paris Hilton. Simultaneously as this show is airing, Hilton is all over the news (the news! Paris Hilton is news!) going back to jail, yet nooooo mention of Paris' situation to Nicole. No softball questions that Nicole can answer with "No comment" or "I'm praying for her". Just no mention of it whatsoever?

Shame on you, Gelman. And you call yourself a producer.

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