Thursday, August 23, 2007


Chalking it up to a necessary evil as part of my research as a tv anthropologist, I watched the 2nd episode of the new Star Jones talk show. This airs on Court TV, which is soon to be called Tru TV, but it should be called Lies TV cuz that's what I got.

I was sorry I missed the premiere, because I did want to see Isaiah Washington discuss (AGAIN!) all the injustice in the world that caused his firing from Grey's Anatomy. So, I was excited that at the top of the show on day 2, Star promised more from the Isaiah interview. She continued to tease the interview throughout the episode, but then never showed the footage. She then in the final seconds made no apologies, no "we ran out of time"...just gave a lame "we'll show it tomorrow" shrug of the shoulders and that was that. I'm not going to talk about how the whole thing had the production value of cable access, or how she's ripped off The View by copying the Hot Topics segment and thrown together a random (badly dressed) panel to mimic The View cross-talk.

No need to mention that one of panelists on The View ripoff was Paula Froelich from PAGE SIX of the NY Post. Isn't Star Jones' alleged sham of a marriage and general bitchy behavior routine fodder for the tabs? Seems odd this chick is her friend...or maybe Star keeps her name out of the papers by giving Paula a job. Hmm, sounds just like a politician.

Did I also mention she named the hot topics thing SHE TV, and the SHE was an acronym for something Star realllllly wants you to remember because they kept up the helpful graphic for like 40 minutes, like there'd be a quiz later, after the Isaiah interview? Good thing there was no interview with Isaiah, cuz I would've failed the quiz. I already forgot what SHE stood for. Stupid Horrifying Egomaniac maybe?

All of that doesn't even matter because the bigger issue is that this show has as much focus as Lindsay Lohan after an 8-ball.
Jam packed into the hour (not including of course the fake teases to the Isaiah interview) were alllllll of these random topics:

Whether Hillary Clinton should be judged by her wardrobe
Dating your friend's man: Ok or not Ok?
Leona Helmsley's life and death
Celebrity sex tapes (including an interview with Screech from Saved by the Bell)
A soldier who got someone to shoot him so he didn't have to go back to Iraq
Gratuitous footage of Star ringing the opening bell at the NASDAQ
"An Open Letter" segment where Star bitches about something, this one was about the economy and disappearing U.S. jobs

The Kitchen sink didn't make it into this show, but I assume it must've on day 3.

Oh yeah, and I also won't mention that it's probably not a good sign if on DAY TWO the biggest celeb your booker can get you is SCREECH from Saved by the Bell!!!!

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