Monday, May 5, 2008

Sex, Lies and Videotape

PhotobucketIt's coming.

Sex and the City: The Movie is going to come roaring into theaters at the end of the month, and millions of women just like me will race to the theater to drink up every drop.

Until then, though, we hungrily await each little tidbit, each morsel, each teeny weeny bit of info the carefully poised marketing team feeds us.

First, it was the "leaked" trailer on the internet. Well played, New Line Cinema. Stage One of your multi-layered strategy to drum up interest was brilliant.

Now, little by little, each new trailer eeks out just a scene or two more. OMG, Is Carrie running out on her wedding? Is Charlotte preggers?

I have watched and studied the trailer more times than the FBI watched the Zapruder film. And while conspiracy theorists (or maybe even New Line marketing execs) would have you believe that Big is going to bite the dust, trust ain't EVER gonna happen.

My prediction? Kim Cattrall's Samantha is going down.

Maybe I could choose my words better for that one. Ahem.

What I mean is, by now it's no secret that something BIG (no pun intended) happens at the wedding. But, if you'll notice, there are 2 revealing shots in the trailer: one contains ALL FOUR girls going up the stairs at the wedding; the other has THE THREE GIRLS (BUT NOT SAMANTHA) rushing out of the church. So, I'm guessing that the wedding is disrupted by something Samantha-related...mayyyybe having to do with her cancer?

Whatever it is, Samantha will triumphantly attend the wedding, in just the kind of scene-stealing move Kim Cattrall demanded in her contract before signing on drama we have come to know and love on SATC.

But, don't take my word for it. I also predicted Adriana would return from the dead on the Sopranos.

Hey, it still could happen! Sopranos: The Movie.

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