Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Money Talks

I don't generally talk about commercials on this here blog, but every once in awhile, I've gotta weigh in on ads when they get to me.

PhotobucketThere is an ad running right now for HSBC bank that I find so completely vexing, I can't for the life of me figure out how it's gonna make me wanna go put my 2 dollars (and let's be honest, I mean literally two dollars) in their bank.

First, the ad if you haven't seen it (I tried like hell to find the :30 version, but this longer one was all I could dig up and frankly it just makes me all the more confused):

Now, I may not be a marketing strategist or anything, but as far as I'm concerned, any ads trying to lure me to do some banking really should feature something, anything, to distract me from the rampant fear and anxiety associated with today's banking insitutions - so I'm thinking puppies, sunshine, unicorns, whatever it takes to make me feel warm and fuzzy about the bank. That's what needs to be in bank commercials.

Not so much at HSBC.

So, just what IS the point of this commercial?

Is it that tree killers and tree huggers can live in harmony as long as they have lots of money invested at HSBC?

Is it that there are close by HSBC ATM's should you ever need to be bailed out of jail following a violent protest?

Is it maybe...don't invest your money in forests?

I'm thinking it's not any of that.

Who knows what that sad lady is singing about in the commercial. And maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm a little grouchy about finances these days. It certainly didn't help that I started my day with Suze Orman on The Today Show this morning screaming at me through the television to STOP USING CREDIT CARDS!!!!!

I know, Suze, I know.

1 comment:

Katsoulis said...

More confusing still, that sad lady singing is Sarah Harmer, selling out so early in her career.
