Monday, November 30, 2009

Legally Bland

PhotobucketDear Luke Wilson's agents,

Isn't Luke the 'hotter' brother? So....why the AT&T commercials?

Granted, after Old School and Legally Blonde, he's got some pretty random credits kicking around the IMDB database. Maybe I should've gone to see Jackass Number Two to show my support (was that really in theaters?).

But I didn't. I'm sorry.

Surely things can't be so bad, though, that he is forced to shill for AT&T?? I could almost forgive it if it was a clever spot, or even marginally stylish (you barely get a pass, Jennifer "Smartwater" Aniston), but this is just downright sad.

PhotobucketWho thought it was a good idea to dress Luke like your still-single-after-all-these-years uncle who teaches part time at community college? Seriously, he looks so bad in these spots that my boyfriend's mom glanced up at the tv when the ad was on and thought it was Beau Bridges.

Not good, people, not good.

Well, I hope you at least got Luke a free Iphone out of the deal...maybe even one that doesn't DROP CALLS every day!!!

Hmmm, that's probably too lofty of a goal. Let's just focus on lining up some meaty Oscar-worthy roles.


Just Me

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