Saturday, May 8, 2010

No Love Lost

After 6 years of flashbacks, flash forwards, and flash-wherevers, we finally get our finale.


Now, I don't read Lost message boards, but I've certainly heard enough chatter about the certainly plausible "It's a dream", "They're in an insane asylum", and "It's Purgatory" theories. All possible.

But I have another.

Is it just me, or has this season actually uncovered that all Lost REALLY is, is a whole lotta theft from some famous movies?? I'm going on record now to say that when the smoke clears (uh, so to speak) on finale night, I think we'll find out this was all just stories being pitched by a Hollywood writer. Maybe we'll flash to him sitting in a studio, piles of scripts in hand, making pitch after pitch, only to be rejected for the lack of originality.

Not sure where I'm going with this? Consider the facts. First, that damn smoke monster. Um, does no one else remember the end of Ghost when basically the same smoky thing gobbles up the bad guys?

And then, there's the more obscure cult classic, Pet Sematary. In this Stephen King movie, people that came back from the dead were suddenly kinda evil, kinda off, and that guy that used to play Herman Munster kept exclaiming, "Sometimes dead is bettahhhh!". Um, isn't that what happened to Claire and Said? This argument is slightly weakened by the fact that the writers kind of blew off that storyline, except for the ridiculous decision to underscore Claire's new nuttiness with frizzy hair week after week. In the land of the Lost, no conditioner=crazy.


And then of course, last week, there was that sinking submarine with the teary goodbye of the Kwon's. Ok, I did tear up a little, but mostly, I couldn't shake Celine Dion in my head belting out "My Heart Will Go Onnnnnnnnn". Damn Titanic stealers.

Not sure what movies they'll rip off next week, but I'm sticking with my theory.

Or maybe we'll find out it was just a 3 hour tour.

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