Wednesday, July 11, 2007


You know how when you get to a certain age, you know there's no Santa Claus, but still, you eagerly antipate Christmas morning anyway and sneak a peak where your mom's hidden the gifts?

That's kinda how it's been with me and "Scott Baio is 45...and Single". Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus...and his name is Scott Baio!

I just couldn't wait till the Sunday premiere, so I got a preview of the show (thank you VH1 Vspot!). I am happy to report, it does not disappoint!

The show is one part "High Fidelity" (he goes back to visit old girlfriends to figure out why he's so screwed up) and one part..."Sopranos". I know, I know, you're thinking, has she lost her mind? "SOPRANOS"???? But, Scott Baio and Tony Soprano have a lot in common. As Scott meets with his Life Coach (can you feel the implied air quotes here?) he's so fabulously, deliciously flawed, it totally pulls you in, and you forget you're watching a 'reality' show. It's more like Dr. Melphi doling out her tough love advice. Unlike Tony, though, Scott's not looking for answers to excuse why he's killed people. He's just trying to figure out why he's been such a douche bag to women.

And, like Tony, even though we know he's been a total cad, somehow...we find ourselves rooting for him.

Oh yeah, and Tony and Scott both sure do seem to like strippers.

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