Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Adding Insult to Injury

It's my fault. I knew you were all wrong for me but I keep coming back for more. It's just that I want to find true love.

But damn you Bachelor, you are a dirty dog and you keep lying to me!

Monday night's episode was especially ridiculous. The "accident" that they'd been gleefully touting in the trailers was some poor OLD girl (she's 30!) who slipped on the stairs. Some producer is totally fired because there were no shots of said fall. Then, because The Bachelor was on a Group Date, the producers had to make sure Bachelor boy was in the loop. So, instead of having some dramatic producer on-camera intervention (remember the good old days on the Real World when they would do something like that when someone was an alcoholic or an abuser?), they created a faux call...I mean a phone call.

Clocking in at 16 seconds, the transcript went like this:
This is Brad.
Are you kidding?
I just want you to be ok
I'll be thinking about you tonight and I hope you're ok
Alright, bye.

The staged phone call did not lead to the group of girls with the Bachelor rushing to see Injured Gal, or even asking if she was ok...they were instead wondering aloud: How did she get your phone number? If she has a concussion how is she calling you?

After virtually no contemplation of this 'crisis', one enterprising chick seized the opportunity to move on from this seconds long diversion to get more alone time with Brad the Bachelor. Later, alone time turned out to be NOT a friend to Michele the Injured Gal.

Michele returns a few scenes later with a fleeting reference to her injury. No tearful reunions, no bedside confessions...she's just back and one gal expresses sadness on her behalf that Michele can't participate in all the bikini wearing date stuff [my words, but that's the gist].

We never do find out much about what DID happen to Michele, but when she finally gets her one-on-one time with the Bachelor, she babbles about being so old (again 30) and saying how she's not rushing to have a baby. He then of course rewards her by not giving her a rose and she cries about it.

Michele, don't be sad that Brad didn't want to see you again. Smash that head of yours back down the stairs once more so it knocks some sense into you.

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