Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cry Me a River...of Dreams


PhotobucketOk, so I've been sort of a fair-weather American Idol fan up to now.

Each week, I've basically been just watching elimination night for the most part, forwarding through just to see the recaps + the see-ya-later video, but Wednesday night was a wake up call.

Live TV is totally awesome.

Finding out in a recap that my favorite, Brooke White, choked up and had to re-start on Tuesday's show is just not as impactful as watching it live. And, yes, yes, even though seeing it in recap form still made me tense up and get teary eyed like some 16 year old dork who thinks she failed her chemistry final (flashback! flashback!), I kinda wished I hadn't cheated and skipped ahead.

Annnyway, Brooke slid through, and I think it's because America is clearly falling for the same my-god-this-sweet-and-innocent-thing-must-be-an-act-but-oh-my-god-she-actually-IS-this-genuine thing that, if it really IS fake, has got me hook, line, and singer.

Er, I mean sinker.

And no offense, CARLY, I know you had to take the fall this week, but I'm not really going to miss your is-it-Irish?-is-it-Fargo?-accented singing.

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