Sunday, June 29, 2008

Up the Dosage


Did you see Hopkins?

PhotobucketI asked that question to a lot of different people, and no one I asked had heard of it. I was about to say, "sorry ABC marketing folks", but as it turns out, Hopkins kicked Swingtown's ass in the ratings, so I guess they managed to hook in more than I thought.

Anyhoo, they did manage to get to me, and I watched on Thursday night. If you haven't seen it (and if you fit with my random sample, you haven't), it's a prime time 'real life' medical drama set at Johns Hopkins, complete with doctors' personal lives.

I want it to be good. I want it to be great. And not just because there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING to watch. I've resorted recently to stockpiling old Friends and Sex and the City episodes on my DVR just to have something to do.

(Perhaps now might be a good time for me to come up with some sort of a hobby.)

Hopkins is basically your typical TLC doc-style series, but with way better music. It's trying hard to be the real life Grey's Anatomy, but has way less attractive people and uses what I imagine are low-paid camera people doubling as producers to shoot the thing. Just a hunch.

It's entertaining. It's not awesome. I think it might get better. Please, if your story about the poor guy with the brain tumor is going to be your major cliffhanger, can'tcha go a little more for the jugular with the resolution? I know you tried. Try harder. I want to cry, dammit!

Now, the cute doctor who may or may not be going for a divorce is for sure their Central Casting McDreamy. His story is seriously mc-good. I felt his angst. I'm stressed for him. And somewhere, some casting person is super psyched they got this hot doc to agree to talk about his marriage woes on national television.

And so I'm going to keep watching. I want to love it, and I have a little Chicago hope that it's going to be worth leaving Grant Show and his swingin' porn-mustache in the dust.

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