Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hot and Bothered

I hate the summer. TV mostly sucks, and I'm forced to try out these bad reality shows, even though I know what the outcome is going to be: wasted time.

PhotobucketBut, I watched Pamela Lee's Kid Rock's Solomon's Anderson's new reality show, "Pam: Girl on the Loose" anyway.

Anderson's been doing the talk show circuit, proudly telling anyone who'll listen that at least SHE is not going to prostitute her kids out for this show...she'll just stick to prostituting herself.

Ok, so she's more noble than Lohan or Denise Richards, the other reality bottom feeders who would probably throw puppies in traffic if it would give them the spotlight and some more cash. Pammy's show is harmless. It's not going to burn out your retinas like those other shows did, but there's just not really much to say.

Then again, I don't think Pam's audience has ever been that interested in hearing her speak. Ahem.

The other problem with this show, besides being devoid of any real plot, is the fact that it's so over the top with its cutesy for cutesy sake graphics-gone-wild appearance that it's like when my 13 year old nephew got a new Mac and went nuts trying to make a home movie and used EVERY SINGLE EFFECT AT ONCE.

OK, fine, I don't actually have a 13 year old nephew, but if I did, I imagine that's what it would be like.

It's ok, Pammy's world is inflated and make believe, too.

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