Oh dear. Cute boys are always getting me into trouble.
Well, I did check it out. I would've liked to check out the pilot (get it together Bravo - make it easier to watch episodes online!) but instead I watched a random episode.
Now, if you don't know the premise, from what I can tell from my non-scientific random sampling, Jo dates 3 guys on each episode, and then picks one to stay on to the following week. The big twist is that her ex Slade Smiley lurks and gives her advice on who to keep around and also tells the guys what's what.
Slade Smiley. Possibly the fakest porn/cartoon name I've ever heard. Ok, actually, the only porn/cartoon name I've ever heard.
Oh and there's some weird Spice-Girl-Castoff-looking host or friend or something that also chimes in from time to time. Chris Harrison, she is not. Anyhoo, I don't really know what happens with these dudes once she collects them all, but I can tell you what I would do.
This is the biggest bunch of tools I've seen in one place since I worked on a home makeover show.
It's mildly amusing. It's certainly a different spin on the Bachelor premise (how many can they possibly do, by the way?!). But, I don't like any of these generic pretty boy soulless guys. Not one bit. And, this 'reality' show is so fake and contrived that I'm surprised these guys aren't reading their lines off a teleprompter.
I feel bad for Jo. It must suck having the only dating options be
Get with it, Jo! There are way cuter boys east of LA. Take it from me.
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