Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Misery Loves Company

There is trouble in River City. Or at least, there's trouble at Sterling Cooper. Could there have been a MORE depressing episode than Sunday's telecast of Mad Men?!

I mean that as the highest compliment of course.

Betty Draper is losing it...BIG TIME. I mean, get January Jones an Emmy, stat! Not since those Wisteria Lane gals burst onto the scene has a desperate housewife been so fun to watch.

PhotobucketBut Betty doesn't have the market cornered on malaise. Poor buxom bombshell Joan got a taste of playing with the big boys when she got her script reading job, then saw it plucked away just as quickly. Now, as she is realizing she must settle down to a ho-hum life as a domestic goddess, she is not happy. While I'm handing out Emmy's (if only I really had that power), let's give one to Christina Hendricks as Joan, too. Her stare alone scares the crap out of me. That's some good acting.

Continuing down the list of people's lives going down the tubes, Don Draper is totally screwed between his haunted past and now this looney wife of his.

And speaking of screwed...something tells me Peggy is headed towards a very Thorn Birds like relationship with that priest.

By the way, if for some crazy reason you are still not watching Mad Men...well, let's just say I pray for you.

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