Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reality Bites

I hate to kick people when they're down, but what the hell WAS that train wreck of an Emmy's the other night??!

You know, there was a time when I would like, have to add extra rounds of cardio to get my body ready for the marathon ritual of watching hours upon hours of red carpet leading up to the pièce de résistance, the Emmy's! But this year?

Not so much.

So maybe I was psychic when I DVR'd this horrible piece of dreck and went out instead of staying home to watch. And thank god when I got home I could speed through the horrible wanna-be banter to get to the good speeches.

Oh wait, there WERE no good speeches.

And I mean, I know EVERYBODY is talking about how bad the reality-hosts-talking-about-nothing bit was...but what about that Josh Groban singing-montage of tv theme songs??! I mean, the THIS-HAS-TO-BE-A-JOKE-SINGING-MONTAGE-BUT-WAIT-NO-IT'S-NOT-WAIT-IS-IT?-JOSH-GROBAN-TV-THEME-SONG-MONTAGE?

That might've been the most cringe-worthy awards moment I've seen since Rob Lowe danced with Snow White at the Oscars. And guess what? I've got that video, too, if you don't mind burning out your corneas by the time he comes on at 4:12 in this ONLY copy of that infamous video I could find...

On the bright side, at least my friends at Mad Men and 30 Rock got lots of awards. See, I'm smart enough to say nice things. I would hate for someone to be mad at me for slamming the Emmy's since it IS a small word, after all...

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