Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Put a Little Love in your Heart

I have to be totally honest here. Before I watched Cupid, I had already made up my mind I was gonna hate it. Like, I had the headline in my head all day - "Slings and Arrows". I know writers aren't supposed to admit that we think this way, but indeed, sometimes we just do.

PhotobucketAnd then I watched it.

Guess what? I'm season passing it on the DVR.

Now, lest you get TOO excited at this first blush of romance, I am not putting it in, like, the AWESOME category. But it was a solid cute, especially for the first episode. And a little cute is something we all could use, right?

PhotobucketA quick cheat sheet if you missed the first episode:

-The show is 60 minutes, not 30. For some reason, I had decided it was a 30 minute sitcom in my head. Maybe you did, too. It's not.

-Every week, "Cupid" a.k.a Trevor matches a new couple. Hijinks ensue! I have to say, the show could've been elevated a bit if they had an A and B story. Not sure 60 minutes was totally necessary for the one couple story arc, but maybe I am too influenced by the over-caffeinated, ADD storytelling currently rampant on the networks.

-The constant each week is Trevor and his therapist, Claire. They've definitely got the Sam and Diane thing going, with a splash of Moonlighting banter thrown in.

I admit, it's kind of a CHICK show, but c'mon, give it a shot. It was a pretty good first date.

You don't have to take my word for it. Check out the first episode yourself, by clicking here. ABC has this handy little player for ya.

1 comment:

The_Brain said...

I admit I also thought that I would hate it, mostly because I was a fan of Jeremy Piven's version, and I had felt that maybe history would repeat itself and the show wouldn't get a second season. But a friend forced me to watch the pilot, and since then the show is kinda growing on me. Bobby Cannavale is definitely a great choice for Cupid.