Sunday, October 18, 2009

Falcon's Crest

I actually get very irritated when people say "I hate reality shows", because, well, some of 'em have paid my rent over the years. But, I shouldn't get angry, because what they really mean is they hate the shows starring those "famous for being famous" freaks that, unfortunately, have taken over my celeb fashion + gossip magazines.

Now, when I was a little kid I must admit I dreamed of fame, but not today's TMZ-ish "Look! She's blowing her nose in the airport!" type of notoriety. Nope, things were so innocent then. I just wanted to maybe belt out some tunes on stage and perhaps get to meet John Travolta.

Boy, dreams change.

Now, every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to be 'famous' and is dying to get on a reality show. Everyone's got one. I mean, how many more ideas are left? America's top mattress salesman is probably being pitched somewhere as we speak.

PhotobucketSo it was no surprise when it came out that Richard Heene's faux balloon launch of son Falcon turned out to be his angle to get on tv. This was Richard's big ticket to ride the fame whore bandwagon. If this idiot's life long dream was to get a show on cable, good for him, but did he really have to drag his 6 year old down with him?

I was pretty incredulous watching Richard in interviews last week, trotting out the whole fam and soldiering on through the questions as Falcon puked into a bowl on live tv. Poor little Falcon. I know how you feel, buddy; I threw up in my mouth a little, too. And ironically, Richard probably got more fame juice out of this little stunt than he ever could've dreamed up, but just remember...

Everything that goes up, must come down. To think, a smart scientist like you forgot about the laws of gravity.

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