Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pushing the (possibly only) Envelope

Is it wrong that I loved almost every second of the S.A.G. Awards? Is it because I haven't seen an awards show in awhile or was it really good?

Feel free to weigh in. Maybe it's because I agreed with (almost) every award. I knew it was going to be good when they started off by getting it right and giving the Sopranos the recognition they deserved.

I was so giddy from the speeches and all I decided to give out some awards of my own...

Missed opportunity of the night award: Alec Baldwin won for 30 Rock, but was MIA, so we didn't get to see him accept his richly deserved recognition by his peers and give (what I'm sure would've been) a great speech.

Which of course gave way to the...

Fakest smile of the night award: Jeremy Piven, who, right after LOSING to MIA Alec Baldwin, flashed those pearly whites only AFTER he realized the camera was on him.

Guy who made the girls (or at least, this one) swoon award : Javier Bardem, who for some reason can pull off that open shirt thing without looking cheesy. His genuine speech just made him hotter.

"I am definitely the only person on the planet who noticed this" award: THAT goes to me, for noticing that the very first clip in the Charles Durning Lifetime Achievement Award montage was from giant 1983 flop Twist of Fate, the ill-conceived John Travolta/Olivia Newton-John post-Grease re-pairing. Seriously? That's your choice to kick off the showcase of this talented actor's body of work, editor-person? Not Dog Day Afternoon? Not The Sting? Um, o.k., Twist of Fate. Whatever.

Speaking of Charles Durning...The "It's never too late to get it right, so get off your ass " Inspiration Award: It's a tie between both of these gentlemen who appeared at the awards:
1. Charles Durning - who didn't appear on screen till he was FORTY!
2. Mickey Rooney - who was married SEVEN times before meeting his current (and eighth) wife...who he's been married to for THIRTY years!

The "sure wish we'd submitted a different clip" award: people from Weeds, whose clip included Mary-Kate Olsen, less than a week after her name was splashed all over the headlines in connection with Heath Ledger's death.

And while we're on THAT subject...the "I guess we're not going to bother to re-edit the dead people montage in any respectful way and instead we're just gonna shove the Heath Ledger clip with no audio at the end after the fade to black when the music has stopped and the audience is wondering 'where's the Heath Ledger clip?' " award: editor-person that edited this montage...perhaps it's the same genius that cut together the Charles Durning piece? At least Daniel Day-Lewis paid tribute to Heath in his speech in a respectful way...even though I hate myself a little for letting the teeny-tiny cynic in my soul wonder a little bit if this was fake, especially since Daniel also talked about Heath on Oprah...and has said he didn't know him.

As Tom Cruise presented the last award of the evening, I longed for the days when I thought he was a hot movie star and not a crazy alien. I wonder if I will ever again be able to see him as anything other than a punchline.

Not to be, ya know, glib.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm a Little Bit Country

We can all use a little levity today after yesterday's tragic news about Heath Ledger.

It's a reality-tv-maker's market these days, now that most of the scripted programs have gone bye bye for a good long while. I just happened to stumble upon Carnie Wilson on the Today Show this morning, stumping on behalf of her new show on CMT, Gone Country. If you didn't already know, CMT stands for Country Music Television.

Now, assuming you can actually FIND CMT (it was channel 140 on my NYC Timewarner lineup), this might be worth checking out. It's got kind of a Surreal Life meets American Idol feel to it. The premise is that a bunch of "established musicians" live in a house together, go through some challenges, and the winner gets an opportunity to possibly record and release a country song.

All I know is Carnie Wilson had to room with Bobby Brown.

I'm a little dubious after viewing the clip below because it's a little bit of a snoozer, but I might check it out anyway, if only to see what shenanigans Bobby Brown is involved in (if you are receiving this via email you may need to go to my site directly to view). I mean, the show DOES also include a Brady.

By the way, what's with all the ATV riding on reality shows all of a sudden? Last week, this was also part of a date on Rock of Love 2.

This leads me to think I should be handing out some PR distinctions of the week:

PR coup of the week: makers of ATV's
PR disaster of the week: makers of Ambien

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Over His Dead Body

Like most people, I reacted with sadness at the news that Heath Ledger had died.

Then I became sadder as the (expected) throngs of media vultures descended on the scene. It's sad but true to think of all the people that will profit from his death. Next week's issues of US Magazine et al will have him on the cover with headlines like "His Secret Life" and networks like E! will produce shows like "The Last Days of Heath Ledger".

So maybe it makes me a hypocrite since, admittedly, I'm watching this stuff too...but I felt a little better about myself that I was watching CNN, and not "The Insider".

That is, until Anderson Cooper had on Dr. Drew Pinsky to 'weigh in'.

Dr. Drew is starting to veer into Dr. Phil territory.

It's just a little too...icky that by commenting on Ledger's possible overdose, Dr. Drew is helping to promote his show, Celebrity Rehab. While I'm sure Dr. Drew wouldn't wish this ill on anyone, between Brad Renfro and now Heath Ledger's just smacks of some type of Faustian bargain for the benefit of Dr. Drew's career.

And I could kind of get past it until Anderson asked him if celebrities have a higher propensity to suffer from depression. Dr. Drew was just a LITTLE too self-congratulatory proclaiming that he had published the only data (data?) about celebrities because he had administered some type of personality questionnaire to celebs that were on his radio show.

Very scientific. Does this make James Lipton a medical expert, too?


Monday, January 21, 2008

The Feminine Mystique

I know I'm setting my gender back about a hundred (ok, a thousand) years but feminism be damned, I'm starting to love Rock of Love 2.

Why, you ask?

I love it for the little things, like, I love that whoever cast this show carefully chose girls with the fakest sounding (or at least, fakest spelled) names on the planet. As in...Destiney, Jackye, Inna and my favorite, Ambre. No, it still SOUNDS like Amber, but it's spelled it should rhyme with hombre (Hombre was also the name of the cologne Joey sold on Friends. Why can I remember this yet I am unable to name former presidents in sequential order with any degree of reliability? I digress...).

I love it for Bret Michael's fake hair that looks like he skinned it off one of those giant make-me-pretty Barbie Doll heads I had as a kid.

I love that these women have the emotional maturity of corrupted teen girls, and the look of tranny hookers in lockup.

Mostly, I just laugh along with Bret. He seems totally in on the joke, has great comedic timing, and God bless him, what single guy WOULDN'T sign up for a show whose sole focus is single girls one-upping the other in sluttiness to get with him?

Ever so briefly, though, this show tugged at my heartstrings and Bret was starting to look like a potential nominee for my Norma Desmond awards. When he busted out that guitar to sing "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" those girls were predictably in awe of Bret. I was 1988.

And isn't that what makes us (well, some of us) so obsessed with the celebreality phenomenon? Don't we all cling a little (or a lot) to our glory days as we get older? Is F. Scott Fitzgerald right...are there no second acts?

I'm not sure, but, I think Bret will be ok. In this most recent episode, he made the girls perform a "talent" to win him over. This included a girl ironing in a bikini. He also took some girls 4-wheeling.

This might not be his second act, but he's sure enjoying the ride.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I will NOT accept this rose!

I usually reserve this site for commentary (ok, rants) directly about what's on T.V. That's why you'll never see stupid gossip about who's zooming who in Hollywood on this site.

Well, unless I see it on T.V.

But, allow me the exception today. And, since it's about Trista Rehn (or is it Trista Sutter?), the Bachelorette-fame-hanger-on-er, I think it fits the parameters of "T.V.-related".

So Trista's on the cover of US Weekly this week, and while I'm grateful it's not ANOTHER pic of Britney Spears, this is ridiculous! Her fifteen minutes are SO over, but that's not even it.

She's on the cover to promote how she lost the baby weight. US lures you inside with promises of her "exact diet & workout". And of course, me being me, even though I have no baby and therefore no baby weight, I still was curious. I'm sure this same reaction will be had by suburban moms across the country.

Then I read the first day of Trista's "diet".

(Cue the needle off the record.)

Breakfast: A bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats...with Skim Milk.

Here's a list of some of the key ingredients in Frosted Mini-Wheats: sugar, high fructose corn syrup and BHT. What's BHT you ask? It is used to prevent oxidative rancidity of fats. I don't even know what that means...but, ick! In fact, Google BHT. I dare you. It'll send you running to your cupboards to check labels immediately, but I digress.

Some of the other suggestions: grilled cheese (on whole wheat), Nestle Crunch Dibs (please, she's so getting paid off to promote these brands!) and Sunchips.

I know I'm a cynic, but puh-lease. If Trista really followed this diet to get that body, I'll eat that bikini she's wearing.

Actually, maybe not. It might be preserved with BHT.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Talent Show

So, even though The View claims ratings are higher now than when Rosie was around, I'm a little suspicious. Lately they've had a whole lotta days "filled with hot topics". As in, NO guests. Isn't that cute? All the gals are just gonna coffee tawk it up.

Oh really?

Seems more likely to me that the ole talent bookers are having a problem booking guests. You be the judge. Just one day after a day of hot topics, the guests booked on The View were John Larroquette and Blake Lewis. Now, I realize Larroquette's on the kinda-popular Boston Legal (though he'll always be the Night Court guy to me) and Blake Lewis is (apparently) some beat-boxing American Idol dude but I'm just saying I don't think either is bumping Britney off the front page.

Am I wrong?

Speaking of American Idol, I'm toying with committing to watching it this season. I haven't watched religiously since the Clay Aiken years. It's just so much WORK. I only caught the 2nd half of Tuesday's Philadelphia auditions, but let me just say this: when Idol's good it's very very good - that girl that sold her horse to get to auditions is totally going all the way! And that nanny who sounds like Jewel and who's never been to an R movie? She's an early contender.

But when Idol is's just bad. Do people really REALLY like those bad auditions? Don't waste my time FOX. I don't want to hear the crazy rants of a Star Trek clad girl or watch some fat dude get waxed.

Please AI, just stick to the talented singers with the inspiring backstories. Bonus points if the contestant is poor, a struggling parent, or otherwise in need of a life makeover.

Finally, the talent pool over at Rock of Love Season 2 is feeling a little shallow. The premise, if you haven't heard by now, is to find a mate for Poison's Bret Michaels. Now, I never got a chance to catch much of Season 1 so this was a little new for me. I even admit I kind of enjoyed its unadulterated crazy (Oh sure, judge me. You know you'll be settling into a marathon by season's end). My only complaint is that some of that cast is beat. They can't find hotter girls for that stripper pole?

I guess I shouldn't be so judgmental about the way these girls look. After all, it ain't nothin' but a good time.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

DVR Binge

Whatever you do, don't go anywhere tonight. Instead, prepare to get drunk with new content...but sadly, when you awaken tomorrow with your t.v. hangover, there is scant left to look forward to as the writer's strike forges on.

But, buck up little campers, there's no time like the present! Grab that remote and get comfy as you watch new episodes of 30 Rock, Grey's Anatomy, ER (yes, dammit, watch ER, it's good! I swear! Last week they even un-earthed old character Jeanie Boulet...who in real life ran off to join Tina Turner's tour), and for a little fluff (ok, major fluff), Big Shots.

Plus, there's still lots-o-reality shows truckin' on. VH1's got the premiere of Celebrity Rehab, which sounds made up but is a real show with marginal celebs. I got a sneak peak at Episode 1, and to see what's become of Jeff Conaway (Kenickie from Grease) is tragic. Don't know that I can stomach this one. I think they should've called this show "Schadenfreude"...though perhaps they're saving that moniker for a Britney/Dr. Phil face off.

I'm going to give Celebrity Apprentice another shot, but honestly, besides Gene Simmons and that Baldwin brother, who the hell ARE these people??

Actually, Celebrity Apprentice and Celebrity Rehab both have a similar problem: when a show needs to put the word 'celebrity' in the title, it probably means they don't have anyone too major, know what I mean? Dancing with the Stars, I'm also talkin' to you!

R.I.P. Golden Globes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Scott Baio is 46...and Scripted


I'm a little worried. There's no one looking more forward to Season 2 Scott Baio than me, but I caught a sneak peak at the first episode (which airs Sunday, January 13th) and the producers are RUINING it!!!!

I mean, I GET it. I'm not un-cynical enough (or non-industry enough) to believe that we weren't seeing alot of scripted situations in Season 1. But, in the first episode of Season 2, which picks up moments after Scott finds out Renee is pregnant, we're supposed to believe his friends show up where he is (already miked) and his BFF Jason Hervey (THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF THE SHOW) is surprised to hear Renee is pregnant?

Uh, I don't think so.

I'm not even going to mention how annoying Johnny V. is or the fact that he showed up in pajamas that were clearly over his clothes. One of my other (bigger) issues is that Scott goes shopping for a house that he decides to buy on the spot.

More like VH1 forked over some cash for a bigger house to shoot in.

I love Scott, and I pledge devotion to Season 2 because I am as pathetic as all the girls he's dated over the years, but please, VH1, try to hide the puppet strings a LITTLE more? Please?

After all, Scott's no wooden boy...well, actually...Oh, forget it!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Today's Obsession

Can The Today Show please start reporting real news? This show has basically become a bunch of weight loss segments crammed between Britney Spears updates.

On Monday's show, it was particularly evident that they've completely thrown in the towel and no longer even bother to do any research or maintain anything resembling journalistic integrity. When Hota Kotb talked to the extremely hard news-based source at People Magazine, she asked about Britney: Do they know "what kind of drugs she took"? Hey Hota, how about 'allegedly' took? Do you have any tangible evidence that this chick took drugs?

She then follows up that irresponsible statement with a comment about a photo that was published of Britney's mom at a cemetery, saying, "I think she was at her parents' grave?". The dude from PEOPLE had to correct her that it was the grave of Britney's aunt, since Hota didn't so much as Google the damn info to try and get it right.


Actually, I don't want to be accused of being irresponsible myself. One of the Today Show's lead stories was not about weight loss OR was about some dude who accidentally turned his skin blue.

I take it back, Today Show. Smurfs are totally news.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Have You Heard About the Lonesome Loser...?

Yes, that's me. My latest guilty pleasure is the Biggest Loser: Couples. Why?
Not because of the handy weight loss tips (What, you don't have an air balloon handy to pull across a field? It's sooooo much better than the treadmill).

Not because I like to continually marvel at trainer Bob's cro-magnum head.

And, not because I like to watch Jillian suffer through her scripted product placement (though watching her shill for Brita with a puss on her face was kinda fun).

I love the romance that I promise you will unfold this season. Paul and Kelly are a couple of exes that have teamed up to lose weight. Listen to mama, this couple will be svelte and back together by the finale. I can taste it.

And I will be front and center like a blubbering idiot.

Brittany and Bernie are two other contestants that I predict will be "together" by season's end. Brittany and Bernie were the two "home" contestants that weren't part of the normal casting process - meaning that they were the only couple who didn't know each other before being paired up. But, I can practically SEE the producers pulling the strings on these two. They sort of both have that cute-people-trapped-in-big-bodies look. I predict these two are totally gonna make out.

And it's not like I don't KNOW the producers are totally manipulating me. I don't care. Who doesn't like a little lovin'?

In fact, maybe they should rename the show "Big Love".
Uh, oops, guess that one's taken.