Monday, June 25, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketSomewhere in the world is the person that approved this magazine cover.

Ladies, your prayers have been answered. Scott Baio returns to tv July 15!!! 'Scott Baio is 45...and Single' premieres on VH1 in just a few short weeks. Is anyone else filled with glee? Are you humming the Joanie Loves Chachi theme song?

Or maybe you're reminiscing about his EMMY award winning performances (yes, it's true) in the ABC After School Specials "Stoned" and "All the Kids Do It".

Come to think of it, when did they stop airing those things? Maybe this is what's wrong with kids After School Specials! If only Paris and Lindsay had such guidance, the roads (and, let's face it, the world) might be a safer place.


1 comment:

mlw428 said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for this. And I am not embarrassed one bit!