Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sinking to a new low

As I was watching the channel 7 news (ABC in NYC) incessant coverage of ALL THE RAIN, I couldn't help but be particularly sickened by Jeff Rossen's media whore approach to this 'story'. As he pointed out a person trapped in his car who was sinking rapidly, he proclaimed with sincerity "Don't go out in the storm, this is what can happen to you!" A cautionary tale, right? What a great guy, right?

Um, in his next breath, he reveals he and his camera folk can probably get him out...and they'll try AFTER the broadcast. I guess because he needs a few more shots of this poor guy potentially drowning in his car.

If my quick trip to good old Google is accurate, this moron is the same character that was in Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" - the idiot reporter who kept checking his hair in between takes of covering the carnage.

Hey, Jeff, the rain is totally making your hair frizz.

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