Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wardrobe Malfunction

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketOh dear. As if NBC doesn't have enough problems, early peeks at Lipstick Jungle's promos reveal that they are in need of a new wardrobe stylist, stat! The Sex and the City wannabe (there are so many this season) boasts Brooke Shields arguably as its biggest name. Not to discount Kim Raver from 24, or that girl (Lindsay Price) that played Steve's baby mama on 90210, but let's be honest, Brooke is a legend.

So why are they dressing her like a, worse, like a woman in 1998????

Everything I've seen thus far has shown her in boxy man-suits that aren't sexy at all, but worse, these promo stills have her in [needle off the record]....LEATHER PANTS!!! This is a travesty even worse than the animal print shoes they all have on that are practically special ordered from the "slutty cliche wardrobe" section at Central Casting.

I don't mean to make it "Pick on NBC" week. After all, I think getting Jerry Seinfeld to guest star on the season premiere of 30 Rock is like, the best thing ever. Now if only I didn't have to wait till October.

Yadda yadda yadda...

1 comment:

mlw428 said...

Dear Is it Just Me?,

Your blog has been rockin' lately. I took your advice and went to Holy cow - lots to look forward too. I'm overwhelmed by what to watch.

As far as Lipstick Jungle, why must Kim Raver be in everything lately? And does this mean she's off 24 and that piece of the show will disappear? We left off w/Jack going to save her, no?

Keep up the great blogorama.
