Monday, May 19, 2008

An American Girl in Paris

PhotobucketIt was already unthinkable.

I call myself a tv blogger and I plan a trip to Paris during finale week? mon Dieu!

At any rate, with croissants and wine on my mind (ok that and trying to figure out how I'm going to avoid news of the winner of American Idol until I get home), I thought it fitting that when I settled in to pack Friday night, TBS had on the Paris-based finale of Sex and the City.

And with Sex and the City: The Movie mania at a fever pitch, it was just another way for me to ramp up to the premiere.

But then...sacrebleu! Those greedy monsters at TBS had to cram in so many commercials that they Edward Scissor-handed the whole episode until it made no sense. Now granted, yes, I've seen it 800 times (and so have you) and it's not like I couldn't figure it out, but in principle, it left me outraged.

The TBS version (a.k.a. the Total Bull S*** version) had Carrie arriving in Paris, waiting till late for Aleksander to meet her for dinner...and then suddenly she's wondering what went wrong. No falling in Chanel. No wandering the streets of Paris trying to find herself. NO LOSING THE CARRIE NECKLACE!!

Maybe I'm overreacting. At least they didn't lose the famous "Go get our girl" line. That would've been a BIG mistake.

Now, as for American girls in...well, America, don't forget, ABC's got the premiere of The Bachelorette Monday at 9pm.

Meanwhile, those nice folks at ABC are waiting till next week when I'm back to run the LOST finale.

PhotobucketOK, it actually has nothing to do with me. I can pretend, right? It is fittingly called "There's No Place Like Home". wizards of Oz and elsewhere...chew on the significance of THAT.

Au revoir!

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