Monday, May 5, 2008

Brotherly Love

On ABC's Brothers & Sisters, the latest storyline involves Justin falling for...his sister, Rebecca. Now before your gag reflex totally kicks in, like, relax. She's not really his sister. But, all season Justin and Rebecca thought they were both chips off the same dead guy's block, until the arrival of that dude from Thirtysomething who is ACTUALLY her dad. Follow?

Anyhoo, they now have scientific proof that they are indeed, NOT related, and all signs point to these two swapping spit next week, and NOT for a DNA test.

All I can say is...GROSS!!!! Related or not, they thought they were brother and sister for like a year! It's...ICKY!

Which led me to recall some other somewhat uncomfortable brother and sister acts over the years:

PhotobucketMarcia & Greg: Sure, on TV it was all unicorns and rainbows. Offscreen, they were gettin' down to a different type of groovy.

PhotobucketDonny and Marie: She's a little bit country. He's a little bit rock and roll. Opposites attract. Discuss.

PhotobucketRoss and Monica: Sure, they've slept with each other's best friends. But, these two give new meaning to "gettin' jiggy with it".

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