Friday, May 2, 2008

Run for your Life

PhotobucketMy Ipod is about as schizo as it gets. Sharing the same drive space you'll find Ray Charles, Eminem, and Springsteen right next to Whitney, Madonna and Elton.

But my heart just belongs to those sugary ballads. I admit it. Even better when they're the 'rock' power ballads.

This has not changed much since I was aching over unrequited love in high school to "Every Rose Has its Thorn". This song is sooooooo true, adolescent me would lament, pre-blog (hell, pre-computer) days, in my diary.

What's even more embarrassing is that when running at the gym, I sometimes listen to these songs, too. Sure, I also load up with a fair amount of Big Beat driven cheese (who DOESN'T embrace a little Britney when trying to kick it up 'hills' on the treadmill), but while the hot dude next to me has likely got a little Kanye in his ear, it's just as likely I am running full steam to some ridiculously sad song...aching over unrequited love (well, that and my knees...running is hard.).

And now those damn American Idol jerks have chosen to not make my latest inspiration for dorkiness, David Cook's oh-so-romantic reinvention of Neil Diamond's song, All I Really Need is You, available for purchase on Itunes...unless you want the VIDEO.

I am a loser, but not THAT bad.

So now I'm stuck, tethered to YouTube to listen to this song, until someone comes to their senses. C'mon, Itunes + American Idol co-marketers, I need me some David Cook to cool down to!

Please add my song. There are miles of schmaltz to go before I sleep.

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