Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Weeding out the Finalists


PhotobucketDon't let the door hit you in the dreads on the way out.

Sorry, Jason Castro fans, that was the feeling I had when he was finally sent packing in the most anti-climactic American Idol elimination...EVER.

Other random thoughts as I watched the producers stretch out Jason's final hour before he could hit the bong again the rest of the night:

-How is it possible that A) Über-dork Maroon 5 dude Adam Levine has allegedly bagged Jessica Simpson and Maria Sharapova? and B) if HE was one of the contestants, well...let's just say he SO would've been voted off the island...oh wait, wrong show. Well, you know what I mean!

-Bo Bice sure looks a lot like those guys in my high school that used to linger in the parking lot by their Camaro's at lunch to smoke a cigarette.

-Weirdest non-drug induced flashback moment: That opening American Idol number to "Reelin' in the Years" and The Brady Bunch number "Sunshine Day" - freakishly similar choreography...or is it JUST ME?

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