Friday, March 2, 2007

Are these people ever coming back???

Remember the Sopranos? Do you remember where they left off? Do you care? They are finally returning (allegedly) on April 8th. I am going on record now (some of you have heard this from me already): I predict Adriana is still alive. When Silvio shot her, they never showed her afterwards. I think he fired a false shot, and let her escape. You heard it here first: she's in hiding. I think. Besides, what the hell else has she got going on...a Joey reunion?


mlw428 said...

Speaking of shows that seem like they'll never come back...where's Weeds? Big Love?
KK--do you know when these will be back? why do they torture me?

Krista Katsoulis said...

Dear Marcy,
I don't know why we must endure the senseless pain of waiting for our favorite shows. My sources can only tell me that Big Love will be back in the spring, and Weeds...not till the summer. Hang in there!

mlw428 said...

Dear KK,
I'm glad to hear IT'S NOT JUST ME and you feel tortured too. With your inner TV spirit connections you must be able to dig deeper. Is it just me or am I being a pain in your entertainment butt?!
The other show I'm waiting for is Dexter. If you haven't seen it give it a watch on Showtime on Demand.